Tuesday, August 3, 2010

“Why don’t you want kids?”

“Why don’t you want kids?”
I’m asked this question a lot and you'll hopefully find all the explanation you need here.

It takes guts to tell people that I don’t want kids because it seems to be a never ending battle. It’s starting to take a toll on my sanity.

The biggest battle I face, almost daily, is with my mother. She’s DYING to be a grandmother. Even though my brother will have children, she tells me it’s not the same. She says that there is a closeness a daughter, a baby and her mother can share. I will mention a guy, even if it’s just a friend, and she’ll ask almost instantly, if he wants children. Either way, what does it matter? I, ME, YOUR DAUGHTER, does not.

People are often offended when I say I don't want children. Why? I'm not offended when they tell me they want or have children. (Though, often, I’m offended BY your children. Seriously, you need to beat them or something – Ha.) Having kids isn't for everyone just like not having kids isn't for everyone.

Kudos to every parent out there. I could never do it. I’m sure they aren’t full of shit when people say that raising a kid is the hardest thing you’ll ever to do. I admire every last one of you. I encourage you to have your children, populate, raise our next world leader or astronaut or lawyer.

Don’t get me wrong, I like kids but I’m generally pretty awkward around them. There are a select few little people out there that I think are pretty rad and I can stand to be around for longer than 5 seconds.

I knew in my early teens that I didn’t want kids. I don't want to go through pregnancy. I don’t want to have all the changes to my body. I’ve never desired to be a mother. It’s just not my thing. I understand that several people have the desire, that urge, that "baby itch" - I've never had that feeling. I'm 27 and I doubt I ever will. I love my freedom, I love last minute vacations, I enjoy my sleep and sanity.

I just feel how I feel... I have to think that defending this topic is along the lines of gay people having to explain and defend their feelings. Wow.

“You’re selfish.”
You bet. Wouldn’t it be even more selfish for me to bring a child into this world that I don’t want? There are a lot of kids out there that fall into that category. I think it’s crazy to cave under pressure and do stuff just to please the majority or just to make someone else happy, like my mother or my significant other.

“Would you adopt?”
Same answers apply: No. I don’t want to deal with children at the baby stage or the toddler stage or even the teenage stage.

"You'll be alone forever."
This one is total bullshit. I know I don't stand alone, I am positive there are others that want the same things I do.

If you do want to date me and you don’t already know what I mean when I state that I don’t want children, I know that we’re not on the same page. I would never expect someone to choose to not want to have kids just to be with me. That would be horrible and selfish. Vise versa as well.

It’s definitely a lot harder than I originally thought it would be to find someone that doesn’t want children. It’s often a deal breaker, on both sides, when the KIDS topic comes up. It is just as important to me not to make babies as it is for some guys to have kids.

D.I.N.K. - Double Income No Kids - This life style is extremely appealing to me.

I guess that's it. I'm exhausted to the max on this subject. I just hope that some people can now understand my side of my kid-free argument... It's quiet over here. Do you hear that? Exactly.

Links to others who share my point of view:
I couldn’t have wrote THIS any better myself.
I found THIS read very interesting.


  1. Take it from someone who talked a no kid wanter into having a kid; don't do it; cuz he did and he was never happy and the kid knew it so did I. Stick to your guns. A btw I am grandma to my daughter it is not any different than having a son have children.

  2. You are the same girl that was considering insemination to provide a bundle of joy to a gay couple that was having trouble adopting!

    I don't buy the no-baby-zone... no-pregnancy-zone statements in your post above.

    YOU have too much love inside of you not to share it. YOU have more meaning inside of you than anyone, not to share it. YOU have too much compassion and understaning inside of you not to share it.

  3. I fully understand. I don't want them either. I don't think I could keep my sanity well enough to be the parent they would need. I too am finding it harder to find a man who doesn't want kids, yet I still want my freedom, and do not want to go through the pregnancy. I'm happier knowing I can be a cool aunt or something.
    Live your life as you want it, don't listen to the nay-sayers. Sometimes things change later, and if htey don', it's your choice. There are too many kis brought into the world for the wrong reasons. At least you know who you are.

  4. "Anonymous" why hide? - I think I may know who posted that, but who even knows.

    Yes, SEVERAL years ago I "CONSIDERED" it... Key word there is considered. I didn't go through with it and it was mentioned in passing. Also considering my background and the difficulties that I would have getting pregnant, I wouldn't have been an ideal candidate.

    I’m a god parent and I take responsibility with great honour but that doesn’t mean I want children.

    Why wouldn't you "buy" my statements? I have nothing to prove to anyone by what I say. I was just expressing my side of things.

    Creating human life will not lessen my love, compassion and understanding in any aspect.

  5. I am with you, Fally. I've waivered a lot, but I really do think I won't have kids - and it's funny being from a "small town" like ours - we're treated as though our lives are meaningless until we have kids. Forget owning homes and businesses, doing the things we want to do, and being successful - it's like we're NOTHING until we are parents - and I think that's garbage. I respect your decision, but I would also respect you if someday you change your mind. We need parents and children - we need farmers too, and I don't really want to be a farmer, either. No disrespect to parents or farmers, it's just not what I want to do!

  6. I am in exactly the same boat. People are shocked and appalled when I tell them I'm not having kids. Even better, I get the "oh you'll change your mind" which offends me to the max ("I already did change my mind Bitch.").
